John Anglis
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John Anglis in action
John Anglis in action
John Anglis in action
John Anglis in action



Discover in 6 EASY Steps how to price any home improvement project to earn the profit an ALPHA Business Owner should be making.


Spend Less Time Working IN Your Business

Get More Time to Work ON Your Business

Take More Profits Home

Build a Business That Works WITHOUT You

- From the Desk of John Anglis -

It was January 1, 2014
and I’d just had my worst year ever...

After averaging $1.2M in annual sales for a decade, my home improvement company sold only $878,000 in 2013, and I felt completely defeated.

At the time, I was pretty much our company’s only salesperson. And I KNEW I needed to get off the road selling so that I could stop working IN my business and work ON it instead.

The only problem was - I couldn’t find another person to do things exactly the way I did them. Finally, staring at the black and white numbers on the page, I realized I had to make a change. I asked myself:

“What Would Your Business Look Like
If You Took Your Rightful Place in the Owner’s Seat?”

I’d been tinkering with systemizing my business for YEARS, and it was finally time to implement it – or get out of the business COMPLETELY.

After deciding to commit myself 100% to getting off the hamster wheel, I started IMPLEMENTING the systems I’d been working on.

Guess what happened next?

I started to see a shift. At first, our company got back on track and hit $1.275M. Then, in 2015 we had a breakthrough year and hit a record $1.8M. (The best part was - I was responsible for only 5% of the sales. Our sales team was using our system to write the other 95%!)

I kept building, tweaking and implementing systems in our business, and the double-digit growth continued. In 2016, we hit $3.4M, then $4.5M in 2017 and $5.9M in 2018.

Along the way, I was able to dial back my 80-hour work weeks. Eventually, I was working only ONE DAY A WEEK in my business. (I know, I couldn’t believe it either!)

I even moved from Connecticut - where my business was located - to sunny FLORIDA with my wife, Sandra, and ran my business from there.

With all the extra time on my hands, I was able to speak on stages like Accelerate LIVE!,Qualified Remodeler’s Top 500 event, and LEADCON. I also got to train major companies like Okna Windows, Progressive Foam and CertainTeed, as well as many contractors internationally.

I found out that more home improvement entrepreneurs were on the SAME hamster wheel I’d been stuck on, and I shared my systems with them to help them take the ownership seat in THEIR businesses.

Eventually, by 2023, I’d built my home improvement business to a nearly $10M business that worked practically without me, and I sold it.

Now, I don’t tell you this to say, “Look at John! He’s so AMAZING!”

I’m telling you this because you might be right where I was in 2013. 

Maybe you’ve been trying to do EVERYTHING in your business. Your team JUST DOESN’T GET IT. You can’t seem to FIND THE RIGHT PEOPLE. You’re being HELD HOSTAGE by the “Talented Terrors” in your business (you know, the ones who can sell ice to an eskimo, and know it, so they turn it on and off as they please and are toxic to your culture).

Anytime I found that I had a problem in my business - 9 times out of 10 - it could be solved… …With a SYSTEM.


Because, sure - you could recreate the wheel.

You could do all of the homework that I did, all of the tweaking, testing, and training over a 24-year period. YES. I was a 24-year overnight success. But as someone who’s done it, I’m telling you - if you can find a system that works for you and just IMPLEMENT it, you’ll save yourself a ton of time, money and wasted opportunity.

You still have to climb the mountain. You'll still fall and skin your knee, but at least you have the roadmap and tools.

You deserve to take YOUR rightful seat as the owner of your home improvement business. You just need the tools and systems to help you get there.

Check out our Business Growth Systems today. There’s likely at least one that can help your business achieve the transformation you’re looking for - in your business AND your life.

You didn’t get into this business to just work IN it. It’s TIME to work ON it.

Visit the Business Growth Systems page to find the system you need in your business right now.

Any questions? Reach out to our team. We’re here to help.

Making a Difference (Not JUST Money),

John Anglis
The Anglis Group

John Anglis cartoon

What They're Saying

"I have known John Anglis since 2011, when he was a business owner who went from a one-man-show working 80+ hours a week, struggling to get off of the hamster wheel… to the owner of very profitable (very), fast growing multi-million dollar company that he works in one day a week. He’s done this by creating a SYSTEM for selling that delivers CONSISTENT, predictable results. I dare say he has the presentation down to a science that is so good, that I have recommended him to my own clients!"
Brian Kaskavalciyan
The Wealthy Contractor
"After traveling from coast to coast to work with direct sales organizations in the home remodeling industry it became apparent that John Anglis was perhaps the most talented of the trainers I have come across. His consumer friendly approach to closing sales is modern and refreshing. His ability to help others grasp his unique process is perhaps more impressive. I would recommend John Anglis to anyone in search of refining their sales process or sharpening their sales abilities!"
Tony Hoty
Tony Hoty Training & Consulting
"Working with John and CareFree University has been one of the best business investments I’ve made. He helped our company develop and implement a 10 step sales system that helped us double our revenue in 2019."
John Kolbaska
The Men With Tools
"In 2008 I worked for John in the capacity of sales manager. Even though I was already selling at a $2 million a year level I recognized how revolutionary and effective Johns sales techniques were. I spent hours and hours listening to him to become an even better salesperson.
Being from Ireland I have a low bs threshold. I get aggravated with all the outdated information that permeates our industry. John offers an approach that is fresh and prevalent to today’s economic environment. So effective that I continually hire him to speak with my own reps who rave about his step by step easy to follow sales strategies.
The marketplace is littered with sales gurus but very few can actually walk the walk and sell in the house. As someone who has seen him in action at the kitchen table John is the exception, he can successfully teach others to do what he can do. Closing at a very high percentage and then having the ability to transfer this knowledge to others is indeed a rarity in our industry. Whether you have heard of him or not, as an owner of a successful home improvement company myself I can strongly attest to his amazing ability."
Ger Ronan
Yankee Home Improvement
"Thanks for hosting our sales team and me. Your high energy training for over 10 hours, 3 days in a row was well worth the price. We got our money’s worth...Thanks again and see you next time."
Isaac Perez
Panda Roofing
"Thank you for the wealth of information you shared with us over the past few days. I know we paid for it, but I felt it was truly worth it and the value far exceeded the price…( I wonder where I learned that from!). Seriously though, just the fact that you were willing to stay there all night if we wanted to and answer every single question. I look forward to getting started! Thanks again!"
Marisol & Mike Grap
EC Roofing
"I had a great time in the training. I am going to implement your system as you run it. It makes perfect sense. I love the one call close (I’ve wasted so much time following up) and not leaving estimates. It just makes sense. Just a side note, I went to a roofing business class right before Thanksgiving. It was much cheaper…but after being in YOUR class, wow! Hands down, no comparison.I just want to let you know that the value you delivered is far greater than the cost. Your mission has been accomplished in my book. Thank you again!"
Ken Martinez
Rescue My Roof
"Working with John and CareFree University has been one of the best business investments I’ve made. He helped our company develop and implement a 10 step sales system that helped us double our revenue in 2019."
John Kolbaska
The Men With Tools
"My business needed a boost and so we invested in John's 10 Step Selling Program and his Training Scripts. I spent a number of weeks studying his methods. If you don’t, you’ll miss a few of the important nuances that you shouldn’t overlook. I’d say we use 98+% of everything he offered us exactly as he had it, and the results speak for themselves.
I’ve watched rep’s cancellation rates disappear, while their average sale and our gross profit margin zoom up. If you are willing to invest in his strategies, and you are willing to put in the time to actually follow a system (almost blindly – ignoring your personal comfort zones), you’ll find John’s system that not only works well, but creates more loyal customers at the right prices."
Bill Wilson
Peoples Products
"After traveling from coast to coast to work with direct sales organizations in the home remodeling industry, it became apparent that John Anglis was perhaps the most talented of the trainers I have come across. His consumer-friendly approach to closing sales is modern and refreshing. His ability to help others grasp his unique process is perhaps more impressive. I would recommend John Anglis to anyone in search of refining their sales process or sharpening their sales abilities!"
Tony Hoty
Tony Hoty Training & Consulting
"I have known John Anglis since 2011, when he was a business owner who went from a one-man-show working 80+ hours a week, struggling to get off of the hamster wheel… to the owner of very profitable (very), fast growing multi-million dollar company that he works in one day a week. He’s done this by creating a SYSTEM for selling that delivers CONSISTENT, predictable results. I dare say he has the presentation down to a science that is so good, that I have recommended him to my own clients!"
Brian Kaskavalciyan
The Wealthy Contractor
"The marketplace is littered with sales gurus but very few can actually walk the walk and sell in the house. As someone who has seen him in action at the kitchen table, John Anglis is the exception. He can successfully teach others to do what he can do. Closing at a very high percentage and then having the ability to transfer this knowledge to others, is indeed a rarity in our industry. As an owner of a successful home improvement company myself, I can strongly attest to his amazing ability.
Being from Ireland, I have a low BS threshold. I get aggravated with all the outdated information that permeates our industry. John Anglis offers an approach that is fresh and prevalent to today’s economic environment. So effective that I continually hire him to speak with my own reps who rave about his step-by-step, easy-to-follow sales strategies."
Ger Ronan
Yankee Home Improvement
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If I Did It, You Can Too!

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